software and data
human recombination maps
neanderthal introgression calls
gene-level loss-of-function constraint
fast calculation of heterozygosity under spatial models
wfmoments can compute
the equilibrium and dynamics of expected heterozygosity under arbitrary
deme models. wfmoments will be described in a forthcoming paper.
fast calculation of likelihoods under the Discrete-Time Wright-Fisher model
implements machinery for computing various likelihoods under the
Discrete-Time Wright-Fisher model. This includes computing frequency spectra and
transition mass functions. The machiney can handle quite general models incorporating
mutation and selection. fastDTWF is described in this paper.
polygenic scores using variational inference on gwas summary statistics from multiple cohorts
vilma is a method for building
polygenic scores and inferring effect size distributions (genetic archtecture)
from gwas summary statistics and ld reference panels. vilma can be applied
to one or two cohorts. vilma is described in this
fast inference of fine-scale recombination rates
pyrho is a method for inferring
fine-scale recombination maps from sequencing data from unrelated individuals
while taking demographic history into account.
it is substantially faster than LDhat while
attaining comparable or better accuracy. in our
we use pyrho to infer fine-scale recombination maps for the 26 populations in phase 3
of the
thousand genomes project
for the two most recent builds of the human genome (hg19 and hg38).
those maps are available
exchangeable neural networks
defiNETti is a wrapper for
TensorFlow that automatically builds
exchangeable neural networks (i.e., networks that enforce
permutation-invariance) and trains them using
‘simulation-on-the-fly’ as described in our
paper. named after
fine-scale human recombination maps
accurate, population-specific fine-scale recombination maps
for 26 populations
we inferred fine-scale recombination maps for each of the 26 populations
in phase 3 of the
thousand genomes project
using our method
pyrho. the maps were
inferred while taking demography into account and explain patterns of
ld better than previous recombination maps. the method and recombination
maps are described in our
these recombination maps are also available for use in simulations
via the wonderful stdpopsim project.
neanderthal introgression calls
posterior probabilities of introgression in modern humans
we called tracts of neanderthal introgression in ceu, chb, and chs using our
method, dical-admix.
the method and an analysis of the tracts are presented in our
gene-level loss-of-function constraint
estimates of the strength of selection against loss-of-function variants
we developed powerful machinery to combine information across genes,
GeneBayes, to estimate the strength of selection acting against
loss-of-function variants in almost every gene in the human genome. the method
and an analysis of the constraint measures are presented in our